OPS Auctions Lotting Sheets available below pictures.

MiniEX Auction Lotting sheets available on the bottom of the page


As the auction coordinator I want to make sure that the lot sheet for this year is ready for downloading. It has been refreshed to include the logo that commemorates last year’s milestone event of our 125th anniversary and because the old stamp was broken. The official auction results space is up to the left to insure that everyone on the auction team can handle the different facets promptly and accurately. Towards that end it is imperative that all members use this form and only this form. Thanks for your cooperation.


Fellow collectors, to insure that all members can participate in our auctions by being able to submit lots for sale, it has been decided that we will limit the number of lots to 15  per person. For each auction please check with the auction coordinator to confirm that your lot numbers are still good. It would be very helpful if members could submit the lots for sale in a group of five, ten or fifteen. Please use the correct lot sheet and only the proper lot sheet. Thank you for your cooperation  



Denis Ducharme


Next Auction:  See 2024-2025 Schedule or the HOME page


Hintonburg Community Centre

1064 Wellington Street, Ottawa

Viewing begins at 6:00 PM.

Auction begins at 7:15 PM


To download lotting sheets, scroll down this page and find two options "Download, Open, fill in and print" or "Download, print and fill by hand".


We MUST insist that these forms are used at every OPS auction.


Auctions have been a consistently popular activity at the OPS for a long time, and have taken a number of forms. Both table and floor auctions have been offered, and in recent years the move has been to use the new technologies and the Internet to improve things such as preparing a catalogue, streamlining the actual auction management, and so on: the overall objective being to serve Members by creating the best possible environment for seller and buyer. A table (sometimes called a silent) auction is conducted with written bids; a floor auction is conducted by an auctioneer (a called auction). In the last year, these formats have been combined, with items being called whenever they attracted one bid. Four called floor auctions are scheduled in the OPS Program for 2018-2019.

The OPS with the RA club and APO, also operates the annual auction at MiniEX on February 7, 2019.


The OPS auctions are made possible by virtue of the consistent and enthusiastic support of a large group of volunteers, headed by an Auction Coordinator (currently Denis Ducharme). Our auctions have been progressively developed and improved over the past decade, and have reached a high level of efficiency.


The OPS auctions have been making a significant contribution to the OPS annual budget. However their primary purpose is to serve the Members and in doing so they must be revenue neutral.



PLEASE KEEP an eye out, for emails telling you that the lotting sheet form has changed in any way, so that you can download a new copy.


Thank You



Download, Open, Fill In and print.

OPS Lotting Sheet
This is an Excel copy, that you can download, then fill in , save with new name if you like, and print.

UPDATED 7 Oct 2017
OPS Lotting sheet-2017.xls
Microsoft Excel Table 189.0 KB

After you download , you can open it on your computer. It will probably ask if you want to be able to edit. Select yes.

If you select any of the fields that can be edited, you can use  the tab key to move to the next field.

The GRADE and CONDITION fields have a drop down box to select an entry.

The 3 selection boxes a the bottom og the screen, has a drop down, or you can write an x, if you want one of these options.

Leave blank if you don't want to select any of these options.


One choice is to fill in the fields that will be the same for each lotting sheet, save it with a new name, and then for the next lotting sheets all you have to type is the fields that change.



Download, print and fill in by hand.

OPS Lotting Sheet
This is a pdf copy, that you can download, print blank sheets, and then fill in.
updated 22 Nov 2017
OPS Lotting sheet-2017.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 352.2 KB

For any questions about the filling in of the auction sheets, please contact Denis



Do not use the OPS lotting sheets for MiniEx


How the OPS Auctions work


The present rules governing the OPS Auctions are as follows:


 1.       Only members of the OPS in good standing (those who have paid their current year’s dues) may enter lots in an OPS Auction.

2.       Members who wish to enter items in the auction are to go to the OPS Website and fill in the necessary data in the auction lotting form, the process which will provide a lotting sheet. The current lot sheet is available on-line at www.ottawaphilatelicsociety.org, or, for those Members who do not have access to the Internet, it can be obtained from the Auction Coordinator. Non-Internet Members are encouraged to retain a “master” copy and make as many as they need for future auctions. 


3.       A Member may enter up to 15 items in an auction. [i.e.: 15 lots]


4.       Occassionaly : An online catalogue will be prepared for an auction and will be made available on-line not later than one week prior to the auction. Printed copies of the catalogue will be made available during the last meeting preceding the auction to those Members who do not have access to the Internet.


5.       Members who wish to enter items in the auction are to provide the Auction Coordinator with a list of their items at least 2 weeks prior to the auction date or by a date prior to that at the discretion of the Auction Coordinator. No items will be accepted after the cut-off date except as noted in 8 below.


6.       At least one week before the auction, Members will be provided with lot numbers either by e-mail, or by receiving a copy of their list at a regular OPS meeting.

7.       The total number of items to be entered in the auction shall not exceed 350 and when 350 lot numbers have been assigned, no additional lots will be accepted.

8.       If there are not 350 lots by the deadline Members who have already entered 15 lots can enter an additional number of lots. If Members have additional lots in excess of 15 that they wish to enter into the auction, they must list those additional lots and submit them when they submit their initial lots. The Webmaster will then include additional lots when he makes up the catalogue and assigns the lot numbers up to the limit of 350. Members will be advised which of their lots have been included and what the lot numbers are when they are informed of their lot numbers (see

6 above). There will be no lots accepted at the time of the auction that have not previously been registered and assigned lot numbers.

9.       Members are asked to identify on the lot sheet the year and the name of the catalogue they use to value their item, for example: Scott 2017.

10.   In the interest of providing an accurate catalogue the auction cataloguer may contact a consignor should it be determined that a description or evaluation does not properly reflect the item(s) being offered. In some instances items may be edited to ensure consistency within the catalogue proper, or the cataloguer may ask that the item be withdrawn.

11.   Persons wishing to bid must register when they arrive on auction nights and pick up their Bidder’s Number.


12.   Viewing at the Auction will ordinarily begin at 6:00 p.m., with the Auction commencing at 7:15 p.m.   


13.   For a lot to be called during the auction, ONE bid must be recorded on the lotting sheet. Lots will be called in order (#1 through #350).


14.   Following the close of bidding successful bidders will be able to pick up and pay for their purchases. Members may pay by cheque; non-members are required to pay with cash.


 15.   Unsold lots will be available for pickup following the close of bidding. The owner of the unsold lots must pick them up following the auction or arrange for someone to pick them up on their behalf. The Auction Coordinator and the volunteer team are not responsible for lots not picked up.

16.   Members with a winning  bid or bids, must pay for these lots at the end of the auction. Please be patient while the volenteers tabulate the winning bids. Members whose auction items have been sold, will be paid the following week at the next club meeting, by the Auction Coordinator. The OPS Auction will retain 10% of the sale price of each lot sold.


17.   By submitting a lot a Member agrees to be bound by these Regulations.

18.   The OPS Auctions are organized and conducted by a team of volunteers headed by the Auction Coordinator appointed by the OPS. The Auction Coordinator’s rulings and decisions related to these rules are final.


The Future


Successful auctions depend on having attractive offerings and as wide a potential buying group as can be organized. Therefore each member is encouraged to tell their friends about the auctions and to share the catalogue with them. Please advise the Webmaster so that arrangements can be made to contact those interested in OPS Auctions by future e-mails. In addition studies are being conducted and consideration given to extending the OPS auctions in a variety of ways that have been suggested or proposed by Members. One is to seek a practical way to open online bidding, thus significantly enlarging the buying group. Another is to develop a possible annual community auction. A form of table auction relying entirely on written bids that could be operated electronically is also being studied. Should it prove practical, it is planned to make the format used at MINIEX as consistent as possible with that employed in the OPS auctions. Overall, the system will need to be flexible (to meet the various needs of the Members) and technically secure so that it can be operated by the ever changing body of volunteers.



The Auction Sheet below,                           is for MiniEX ONLY.

MINI-EX Lotting sheet      

Can be found in the Shows tab \Mini-Ex 2018