MiniEx 2019 Organizing Meeting Minutes


Saturday, October 6, 10:00-Noon


171, rue de la tire, Gatineau



Present: Yvan Hardy, President, APO; Lyse Morin, APO; Richard Baxter, RA; John Tooth, President, OPS (chair), Deborah Welch, OPS


Regrets: Brian Watson, RA; Ian Smillie, OPS; Denis Ducharme, OPS


1.      Physical location and Date


It was agreed to continue with the first Thursday in February as has been done in the past. Action: Richard will work with Melody Rochon, Coordinator, Recreation Club Services, RA Centre, to confirm Thursday, February 7, 2019, 6:00 to 9:30, at Courtyard A and B at the RA Centre. Normally Melody allows us to start earlier in terms of exhibits setup.




2.      Speaker


It was agreed last year to seek a speaker on the existence of Canada Post’s once National Postal Museum that closed in 1989, with some going to the National Library of Canada and some to the Museum of Civilization.  John approached James Bone, Archivist, Library and Archives Canada, regarding the collection. Mr. Bone indicated that publications, photos, and a/v went to the Library and that objects and stamps went to the Museum. Tom Meyerhof then indicated that Mr. Bone had given a great presentation at BNAPEX 2019 on the Library collection. Action: John will contact Mr. James Bone at the Library and Archives Canada to present at MiniEx 2019.




3.      Auction issues


Action: It was decided that, in order to secure more input from APO and RA, Lyse and Richard would identify up to 3 representatives each to work on the MiniEx 2019 auction and would send these names to Denis.  Discussion also focussed on the rather small number of lots available at MiniEx 2018 and one suggestion to Denis was to increase the number of lots per person from 15 to 20. Denis will decide whether this is a good action or not.




4.      Exhibit issues and Awards


Action: Each club will provide John with the name of one exhibit judge for a total of three.  Action:  John will ensure that the exhibit area has two tables; one for registration and one for the judges to work at. OPS will provide the gift certificates for Chris Green Stamps to exhibit winners. Action: John will request that Canada Post provide a stamp prize for each of the 8 award winners. Action:  John will re-order the naming of the awards such that the grand awards are at the end of the awards presentation. There was discussion on the thanking of the three judges and speaker, with APO agreeing to fund such a recognition:  Action: Yvan will secure four bottles of wine for that purpose.




5.      OPS Website


The OPS website has the current rules for exhibits and auctions for MiniEx.  Action: Members will review the MiniEx 2019 information and identify any changes to John.



6.      MiniEx 2020


Members identified individuals who they thought would provide excellent presentations.




The meeting ended at 11:50.