By Ian Smillie
[This article appeared in Canadian Stamp News, March 17-30, 2020]
The first meeting of the Ottawa Philatelic Society—Canada’s oldest stamp club—was called to order at the prestigious Russell House Hotel at 7:30 pm on November
25th, 1891. The room was “filled to overflowing”, according to minutes written by club Secretary, W.J. Beatty, who noted that the branch would meet “every second week in each month”
and that it was in “good working order under the management of the President, who is a hustler.”
John Reginald Hooper, a 32-year old clerk in the Post Office, was considerably more than “a hustler”—whatever Beatty may have meant. A lifelong stamp
collector, four years earlier he had formed the Canadian Philatelic Association, a forerunner of the Royal Philatelic Society of Canada. He was a prolific contributor to Canadian and American
philatelic journals and later in life he moved to the United States where he was editor and publisher of The Hobbyist. In between time, however, in the
midst of an affair with one Alice Stapley, he was sentenced to 25 years in prison for the attempted murder of his wife, her death taking place not long after she inherited her father’s
substantial estate. Paroled after ten years in prison, Hooper carried on with the hobby until his death in 1944 at the age of 84.
Hooper notwithstanding, a roll call of club members and officers reads like something from a historical Who’s Who. Fabien René Edouard Campeau, author of The Illustrated Guide to the House of Commons and Senate of Canada (1879), a noted numismatist and founder in 1891 of the Ottawa Numismatic Society, served as
president of the OPS between 1909 and 1911. A.T. “Gus” Sesia, (OPS President, 1950) was an intelligence officer assigned as historian to the First Canadian Infantry Division during the Sicily
Campaign in 1943 and then the 2nd Canadian Corps in Normandy. George Geldert, President 1957-8, was an anesthetist, civic politician, founder of Ottawa’s first radio station, CKCO in
1924, and an avid stamp collector. In more recent times, Ralph Mitchener, President 1963, was a Fellow of the Royal Philatelic Society of Canada, a national philatelic judge, award-winning
exhibitor and a prolific philatelic author.
George LeMesurier, a stalwart of the Ottawa philatelic community today and president of the OPS between 1976 and 1977, recalls the 1970s as halcyon days for
Ottawa stamp collectors. Then there were dealers to spare: Kelly on Queen Street, Fergusson in The Glebe, Jim Mackintosh. There were stamp counters at Kresge’s and Woolworth’s, and Sears had an
especially good stamp department. The OPS was very friendly, George recalls. It met every Thursday in a room at the Chateau Laurier Hotel. Members (all men) always wore ties and jackets, and all
were professionals of some sort or other. One was a retired Commissioner of the RCMP.
The OPS had competition from the RA Stamp Club, part of the Recreation Association for public servants. In those days, George recalls, the RA Club was for
stamp collectors. “They would buy anything, as long as it didn’t cost more than five cents.” The OPS, he says, was for philatelists. These were very knowledgeable people, men who wrote learned articles and even books about stamps. When people like Robson Lowe, sometimes called
the father of postal history, or the great American philatelist, Alfred Lichtenstein, came to Ottawa, it was especially to meet with the OPS.
The problem for the philatelists of the OPS was that there seemed to be only nine or ten willing to shell out the
membership fee, and on a typical Thursday evening, only five or six of them would show up. They enjoyed themselves, but it was a fairly exclusive club, and its future seemed
George was asked to run for president because everyone else in the club had already held the position. One of his first initiatives was to place an ad in the
Ottawa Citizen telling readers about the OPS. In short order he managed to double the membership.
For many years, the Chateau Laurier offered inexpensive meeting rooms for non-profit organizations like the Rotary, the Ottawa Women’s Canadian Club and the
OPS, but as costs rose, the OPS sought other venues, moving several times during the 1980s, alighting briefly in church basements and at the University of Ottawa before settling in its current
home at the Hintonburg Community Centre, a couple of miles west of downtown.
By then, much had changed. Members started bringing stamps to trade and sell. As Dick Logan, President between 2004 and 2006, puts it, the OPS itself became “a
five cent mecca” where a box of inexpensive stamps barely hit the table before being grabbed by someone. Far from being disdainful, Logan—a philatelic author of considerable repute—says that the
club began to cater not just to specialists, but to generalists, topical collectors and middle-of-the-road philatelists. It has three “study groups” which meet four times a year after the general
weekly meeting—a Canada Study Group, one for the US and a third for Great Britain and Commonwealth collectors. There are three or four guest speakers in a season, and potluck dinners are a
tradition at Christmas and at the Spring Annual General Meeting. There is an active youth program. The club maintains good relations with Canada Post, and OPS members are frequently invited to
Ottawa stamp launches in rarified venues such as the National War Museum or Rideau Hall.
Over the years, auctions became a regular feature and circuit books were popular until, ironically, Canada Post made the cost of postage prohibitive. The OPS
works with the RA Club and Amicale des pilatélistes de l’Outaouais (APO) in organizing ORAPEX, one of the biggest and best annual stamp shows in Canada. They also organize a joint ‘MiniEx’ show and auction each
As Logan puts it, the OPS gives its members pretty good value—regular, interesting meetings, good discussions, an opportunity to buy, sell and trade, and a camaraderie based not just on shared philatelic interests but on years of Thursday night gatherings where there is always something new to learn.
Ian Smillie became the 74th President of the Ottawa Philatelic Society in June, 2019.